1. AIX Version 5.x 版本使用uname设置hostname,有时候使用smit修改后uname显示的还是旧的主机名
uname -S <newhostname>
2. AIX6.1 TL05 / AIX5.3 TL12 集成了nmon
3. 看系统安装了哪些补丁: instfix -L
4. TL (Technology Level: TL)
The problem with AIX, support for new hardware, new features, including a fixfor the AIX, and will be updated approximately every 6 months. In the past, “Maintenance Level (ML)” is whatused to be called.
Service Pack (Service Pack: SP)
To solve customer problems, in addition to the release of individual PTF, thePTF coherent periodic “Service Pack (SP)” in the package deliveryservice called to release approximately every 4-6 weeks and. “Service Pack” concept is to provide thefix that was released together during TL.
5. lsfs查询的是/etc/filesystems内容,即使不存在的文件系统,只要在该文件的有相应记录,都能列出
6. shutdown -m 进单用户模式
7. aix6中,给rootvg做了镜像和bootlist之后不需要REBOOT就可生效了
8. How to Disable Telnet on AIX
1) Comment out telnet from /etc/inetd.conf.
2) Reload the configuration file
# refresh -s inetd
9. 1.用户可以做ftp, 不能做telnet
chuser login=’false’ rlogin=’false’ username
2.用户可以做telnet, 不能做ftp
vi /etc/ftpusers
10. 停止telnet服务
vi /etc/inetd.conf注释掉 telnetd 行
refresh -s inetd
11. 开启ftp服务:
vi /etc/inetd.conf 把ftp前面的# 去掉,
refresh -s inetd
12. 弹出光驱:
13. 看系统启动的引导顺序:bootinfo –b
14. 显示系统启动的过程: alog -ot boot
15. 设置硬盘的启动顺序:
bootlist -m normal cd0 hdisk0 hdisk1
16. 规定某一个用户在某个时间段,某天某月能登入:
vi /etc/security/user
在 user 下添加:
logintimes=: Time-Time
17. 查看硬盘大小
bootinfo -s hdiskn/hdiskpowern/dlmfdrvn